Time to socialize!

One cannot have enough friends, whether it be online or offline. That is why I want to encourage you to get in contact with me through one of the following channels. It would be nice, if you could befriend me on one or more of these social media platforms, so we can share some quality content in the future. Feel free to leave your own profile details in the comments, if you want other readers to add you as a friend as well.

Here are my details for flickr, digg, StumbleUpon, Designfloat and del.icio.us:

My flickr account

My digg profile

My StumbleUpon profile

My Designfloat profile

My del.icio.us bookmarks

You might also consider adding highresolutiontextures.com to your technorati favorites.

UPDATE: as recommended by Liam, you can now also follow me on twitter!


  1. No twitter? I recommend it 🙂

  2. @ liam: see update above