Taking your textures to the next level

Here on highresolutiontextures.com, besides offering free textures packs, I try to encourage the readers to grab their camera, go out and shoot some pictures of nice textures themselves. Therefore, I would like to provide you with several tips & tricks on how you can achieve better results or simply more variation. Most of them are as easy to apply as this first one:

Add perspective

Normally, when you come across textures, the pictures have been taken straight in front of or above the subject, like the one below.

flower fabric texture

By slightly tilting the camera and moving in on the subject, you are able to take a whole new picture, which has a lot more depth. This can make for some interesting shots.

flower fabric texture with perspective

I hope that this little piece of advice was useful. There’s definitely more where that came from, but first it is your turn to try out this technique. Feel free to post your results in the comments. Both pictures from above are also available for download in high resolution (3888 x 2592 pixels).

flower fabric texture (.zip file, 7,4 MB)


  1. Date Online

    Great post, thanks for the info

  2. Hey man, you’re amazing, your textures are in so high quality that’s a pleasure to work with them. Thank you so much for that. I’m learning how to make my own textures however, if you can give some tips, maybe in a tutorial what settings when photoshooting are you using etc. would be great. If you have the time of course. Thanks again for your great textures

    Best Regards

  3. canvas prints

    Really pretty design, thanks.

  4. Hussein

    Excuse Me !!!!!
    How the hell can you use the second shot in any 3d texturing ?
    the first one is of course better than the second one …

  5. Originelle Weihnachtsgeschenke

    Like the design, looks really nice. Thanks for sharing.

  6. restaurantes barcelona

    Great stuff!, very original and colourful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. diseƱo zaragoza

    First image the best. Thank you indeed.