Special texture pack: Austrian markers

austrian marker texture pack

This is a free texture pack with images from markers for hiking trails, which we came across in the Austrian alps. All pictures were taken by my lovely girlfriend Antje, who saw the first marker and immediately wanted to make a whole series of pictures. And I am glad she did, because that material is perfectly suited for this blog. So here they are, 6 great photos of stone, rocks and bark with the Austrian flag painted on. Many thanks to Antje for contributing these pictures! As always, a .zip file is available at the end of the post.

austrian marker 1

austrian marker 2

austrian marker 3

austrian marker 4

austrian marker 5

austrian marker 6

austrian markers texture pack (.zip file, 27 MB, 6 files)


  1. Great stuff – and freakin’ unique, my friend!

  2. Raven

    Dude these are mind blowing awesome….kickass

  3. TwitterBackgrounds

    Pretty unique textures 🙂 Love ’em. Especially since I’ve already been to Austria. Thanks for sharing.