Some statistics: the 1st month of

website statistics

Roughly one month ago, I started this website, so it is time for a small re-cap by looking at some statistics:

  • I have written 10 posts so far
  • 53 free high resolution textures are available for download
  • 7248 people have visited this site
  • those visitors were responsible for 18376 pageviews
  • at the moment, 43 people subscribed to the RSS feed

Next to that, the website has been featured on numerous CSS galleries and other websites. The 3 biggest referrers so far have been Smashing magazine, a french site called emob and showcase website fave up.

So what comes next?

I am more than happy with the results of the 1st month and it keeps me motivated to continue what I am doing. This means, there will be loads of new textures, especially of categories I haven’t covered very much, like plants, rust or wood.

One of the things, I would like to improve in the near future, is the interaction with the readership. For that, I would like to encourage you to post more comments and make suggestions, e.g. what sort of textures you are currently missing here or if you would like to have multiple image sizes available for download.

Thank you very much for all the positive feedback so far. Have a nice weekend!


  1. Lawrence

    Your textures have been great – keep them flowing please! I’m storing them right now but used one already in a wedding photo book for a client.

  2. I love all your textures. Can never have enough of those!

    I like the inspiration posts as well. I guess what would make your site more complete would be some tutorials.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks!

  3. thanks for you positive comments. glad to see that the textures are being used.

    I have 1 tutorial about texture photography so far and more will certainly follow in the near future.