Announcement of the contest winner!

Alright, the moment of truth has arrived. In total, 55 people posted a comment and every one of them was valid and contained one or more improvement suggestions. I fired up a random number generator and asked it to return a random number between 1 and 55 and it came up with number 9.

That means Qbessi is the winner of the book! Congratulations!

The winner has been informed via email and as soons as I have the address details, I will send the book his way.

I was really blown away by the massive response to this contest. There are so many good suggestions that I decided to start working on a complete re-design of the site. Here is a list with features/items that I will try to add in the future:

  • more tutorials – that was by far the most requested item on your wishlist
  • a better way to browse the different texture categories e.g. with a gallery
  • having a distinctive logo
  • center alignment – this will be part of the general re-design
  • more contests!
  • a possibility for readers to submit their own textures or artwork

That’s quite a big list, but I think that all of the above are really helpful features, which could greatly improve the overall usability of

Actually, I already took care of the last item by opening a Flickr group called High Resolution Textures, where you guys can post your own textures and/or artwork with one of my textures. So head on over there and start uploading your images! I am already looking forward to you submissions.

Thank you all very much for participating in the contest! You guys rock and all the good feedback I got since starting this blog keeps me going!


  1. Thank you!

    I’ve sent you an e-mail.

  2. Congrats, Qbessi.

    I joined the Flickr group. Thanks!

  3. Max | Design Shard

    I might have to buy that book 🙂 looking forward to the new changes.

    ive joined your texture group on flickr looking forward to everyones textures