Please share your designs with the crowd!

It’s been almost 2 months now, that I am supplying my readership with all kinds of textures. Apart from Lawrence, who told me that he used one of the textures in one of his wedding photo books for a client, I have no clue what you guys are doing with all the images. However, I would love to see some samples of your work, so if you made something creative and would like to share it with the rest of the crowd, feel free to leave a comment with a link to your piece of work. It would be a shame to see all the textures getting buried on some hard drive! So don’t be shy and get some exposure for your design work!


  1. Stirdy

    Hey, 2lip, your work doesn’t go unappreciated. I’m sure there are people using your textures to make really cool things as we speak! I’ve currently got a couple projects in the works in which I might end up using some of your photos. I will be sure to share them here as soon as I can.

  2. Rich Samuels

    I used the cobbles as a background to a website I made
    i’m still finding use for other textures all the time. keep up the much appreciated work!

  3. nice work, Rich! and thanks for sharing!

  4. Hello, I’m working at my site and I have used one of your background for my home, which I find really lovely, hope you like it.


  5. that looks really cool, Manu. I especially like the the way you attached the paper structure to the wood. keep up the good work and thanks for showing it here!

  6. oops I meaned I find your backgrounds really lovely, my english….